Sam Benyakoub

Founder – Node Guardians / StarkNetcc : On a quest to design the funniest web3 learning experience, blending RPG elements with programming subjects. Passionate about DevOps & Crusader Kings.

Adi Ben-Ari

Adi is Founder & CEO at Applied Blockchain, a fast-growing company of blockchain and cryptography experts founded in 2015 and based in London, UK, and Porto, Portugal. Prior to this, Adi worked for 20 years as an enterprise architect and technology lead for companies, including Lloyds Banking Group and Vodafone.  Adi graduated in Computer Science […]

Sean Han

Sean is the co-founder of Starkscan (StarkNet block exploer) and Aspect (NFT Marketplace). He was previously an engineer at Blockchain . Com where he explored wallet integration with L2 networks. After reading Vitalik’s blog about zkrollups, he stumbled upon StarkNet and started starknet.js with Janek from Argent. He has been building products on StarkNet ever […]

Lukas Schor

Co-founder, Safe (formerly Gnosis Safe) / Safe Ecosystem Foundation Lukas Schor has been working in product-related roles in the blockchain industry for the past 5 years with the goal of making Web3 more accessible. He joined Gnosis early 2019 to co-lead the Safe (formerly Gnosis Safe) project and co-founded the Safe Ecosystem Foundation which fosters […]

Bartek Kiepuszewski

Bartek Kiepuszewski, long-time MakerDAO software engineer currently working on multichain strategy and technical risk assessment, co-founder of

Richard Thomas-Pryce

As the Head of Product at Nostra, Richard Thomas-Pryce brings a wealth of experience to the team, having spent over a decade leading large-scale projects in derivatives and risk management within the banking and fintech industry. An active participant in the crypto space since 2017, Richard is driven by the belief that the future of […]

Hadrien Charlanes

Hadrien Charlanes has been working on Ethereum since 2015 and is excited by ZKPs and their privacy properties. Sismo uses ZKPs to provide privacy preserving attestations and logins.

Omer Shlomovits

Omer is the CEO of Ingonyama, a semiconductors company focused on accelerating ZK provers. Previously he co-founded several ventures, including ZenGo and the MPC-Alliance

Jorik Schellekens

Generalist with a background in compilers. Can discuss the architecture of Warp at length. Lead the AAVE on StarkNet project in its infancy. Interested in compiler design, networks, and protocol design.

Swastik Kopparty

Swastik is an Associate Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of Toronto. His research areas include error-correcting codes, computational complexity theory, finite fields, randomness and pseudorandomness. Swastik got his PhD in Computer Science from MIT in 2010, was a postdoc at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton during 2010-2011, and was […]